Thank you for stopping by. Following are excerpts from previous messages. We hope that these thoughts will serve to encourage, challenge and bless you in your walk with Jesus Christ. 12/22/2024 "He [Jesus] would live the life that we had been made to live in order to die the death that we had never been made to die." 12/29/2024 "We have all been weighed on God's scales of justice and been founding wanting...God sent Jesus to balance the scales...He who never sinned became sin for us that we, who could do no right thing, could be reconciled to an Holy God." 1/5/2025 "... a sparse harvest is the result of stinginess with the seed. We must purpose in our hearts to be generous with the seed. That means we must learn to be generous with our money in giving to Kingdom work, generous with our time in the work and willing to use the gifts and talents God has bestowed upon us for His purpose." 1/12/2025 "Our generosity in giving is directly influenced by our mindset in giving: therefor, we choose to do it cheerfully, otherwise our motives will be less than what God desires." 1/19/2025 "Sacrificial giving allows God to show Himself faithful to us." 1/26/2025 "Stewardship is not a matter of great amounts but in faithfulness to what has been granted...Be generous with what you have been given." 2/2/2025 "Jesus taught precepts in parables so that we might see His truth." 2/9/2025 "There are 4 precepts that we take away regarding The New Way: 1) Jesus came to call sinners out of sin by love not law; 2) We celebrate Christ's presence with joy not sorrow; 3) Do not try to patch up the old life, replace it with a new life in Christ; & 4) The new life requires a new creation in Christ. There is no man exempt from the disease of sin. We are infected with it thru & thru. It doesn't matter how religious you become, you will still be just as lost. You must recognize that you are lost & that you need to follow Christ in the new way." 2/16/2025 "Be careful how you hear the word of God. The word should never be background noise in your life. It should be received by purposeful attentiveness to its precepts as the Holy Spirit reveals them to us." 2/23/2025 "You will never be able to follow the Master [Jesus] unless you are willing to lay down your right to govern yourself & give it to Him."